Monday, 12 February 2007


We finally had some snow, on Friday - about three inches of it in 12 hours. Unfortunately, we then had 12 hours of rain and a sudden increase in temperature, and by the time I finally got round to taking photos, it had all gone !

Luckily, some local Flickr users were not quite so slow off the mark !


Candi said...

Those photos are beautiful! Now, if it snows out here like it's forecasted to later in the week, my landscape won't be nearly as perfect!

I hope you got to play in the snow!

Shauneh said...

We didn't get to play in the snow... just got to drive cautiously in it. British drivers have no respect for snow - they just tootle along in wonderment of how pretty it is, then wonder why their car won't stop when they hit the brakes :-/