Sam's 21st birthday party
Sunday was Sam's 21st birthday. Last night was Sam's 21st birthday party. This is why everyone in the photos below is probably feeling the same way I do right now. Hungover.
Anyway, everyone seemed to have a good time. We started in Zephyr, after meeting up in Subway, then moved on to the party in Paparazzi. The party then moved on, with us, to Warehouse and finished, as ever, in the Noodle Bar.
Sam and Dan in Warehouse
Ste looking suitably unimpressed with
popper remnants in Paparazzi
Louise, also a little unimpressed
Me, a little more in the spirit of things
RaeRae, JuJu and some scary random
Me, with Ste and JonLeeMan
Me attacking Ste's tooter
Lindsey (looking a bit manic) and Louise
JonLeeMan and Stacey
Emmit and Louise
Emmit with balloon string on head
1 comment:
You sure know how to have a never-ending party!! Lol! Hope Sam had a fun day! I love the poppers! Lol!
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