Xenical and fitday.com
So, having topped out at around 310lbs just before Christmas, I decided to take my Nurse Practitioner's advice and start on a course of Xenical. These are tablets designed to help with weight loss as part of a low-fat, calorie-controlled diet. They work by allowing the stomach to digest and process only 70% of the fat you eat, the surplus being passed untouched through the system. The gut can then take care of the rest, provided you don't overload it.... more than 40-45 grams of fat per day, or more than 12-15 grams per meal, and the side effects include stomch cramps and vile diarrhoea !
But, so far so good. Apart from a little discomfort when I've "pushed the fat envelope", I've been well throughout, and have been taking Xenical for well over a week. I'm tracking my nutritional intake on fitday.com - free to sign up to and easy to use. All you need to do is enter all the foods you eat every day (you can add as many "custom" foods as you like), and the site produces various pie-charts and tables. You can make your account public, so everyone can see what you're eating, and you can see mine here
Today's photo is of our precious boy, Ginger (who has his own webpage at Catster)
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